Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Japanes 1942--Muslim 2015 W/S NC. 2015

I am doing this in response of the "MUSLIM "scare that is unfolding in this Country now 
click on picture
the above Page was from a Time Magazine of July-1944,
the fallowing a copied from a Book .
"The Devil's Chessboard "witch contains this lines written by   C. Wright Mills in his Book  "The Power Elite "

The men of the higher circle are not representative men ;there high position is not a result of moral virtue; there fabulous success is not firmly connected whit meritorious ability....They are not men shaped by nationally responsible parties that debate openly and clearly the issues this nation now so unintelligently confronts. They are not men held in responsibly check by a plurality of voluntary associations which connect debating publics with the pinnacles of decision. Commanders of power unequaled in human history, they have succeeded within the American system of organized irresponsibility.

Monday, October 26, 2015