Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Timothy Vogler Gunsmith Shop W/S N/C

 Timothy Vogler, born in 1806 and died on January 5, 1896.

The day that I visited the Timothy Vogler Gunsmith shop in Old Salem, I stepped into 1872.  Two craftsmen plied their skills like it was two hundred years ago.  The gun on display shown in one of these pictures was made there.  I hope the pictures explain the rest.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pages Past Used & Rare Books

 Just yesterday I looked at a Kindle....about 6" by so.  It holds up to 1400 books.  In my mind that "thing" holds no candle to a book store like Pages Past or others of it's kind.  There you can glance at a whole lot of books at the same time, feel and touch, find the right isle, subject, and hold a 100, 200, 300 year old book.
"What a pleasure"

Roger W.March,   Proprietor

