Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Timothy Vogler Gunsmith Shop W/S N/C

 Timothy Vogler, born in 1806 and died on January 5, 1896.

The day that I visited the Timothy Vogler Gunsmith shop in Old Salem, I stepped into 1872.  Two craftsmen plied their skills like it was two hundred years ago.  The gun on display shown in one of these pictures was made there.  I hope the pictures explain the rest.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pages Past Used & Rare Books

 Just yesterday I looked at a Kindle....about 6" by so.  It holds up to 1400 books.  In my mind that "thing" holds no candle to a book store like Pages Past or others of it's kind.  There you can glance at a whole lot of books at the same time, feel and touch, find the right isle, subject, and hold a 100, 200, 300 year old book.
"What a pleasure"

Roger W.March,   Proprietor



Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frank Rowland W/S N/C....Original Fine Art

"There is only one success-to be able to spend your life in your own way" 

                                                               Chistopher Morley

Frank Rowland has done just that.During his career, he has applied his creative energies
to a wide variety of endevours,all reflecting his love of art.
A multitalented individual,he has mastered each art form he has undertaken,
and over serveral decades, made a name for himself both nationally and internationally

inthe art world.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jesus Perez (A Helluva Mechanic)

 After working for dealerships for 14 years in NC, Jesus Perez Sr. and his WIFE Lydia, both from Puerto Rico, opened their own business from scratch in 2006.  He is a specialist in foreign cars.  Fixed right the first time!